School District 8 (Kootenay Lake) is nestled in the Southeast corner of British Columbia.  We are a vibrant area, covering 6 "families of schools" in the centres of Creston, Crawford Bay, Kaslo/Meadow Creek, Nelson, Salmo, and the Slocan Valley.  Our area is beautiful, vibrant, a fantastic place to raise children, has a world-renowned Arts and Entertainment community, and easily accesses a variety of amazing outdoor pursuits.

Our FOCUS.LEARN.EXCEL philosophy and our Board of Education's Learning Goals of: Literacy, Numeracy, Indigenization and Inclusion guide our practice with our students.  We focus on excellence for all learners in a nurturing environment.

This application is to be on the Teacher - Teaching On Call list for the 2022-2023 school year for School District #8 (Kootenay Lake) in the Creston, BC area.  Traditionally, there has been a high need for TTOCs in this area.

Teaching classifications will be based on those areas and grades that a TTOC has the academic qualifications to teach, and has recent demonstrated successful experience teaching (including practicum).

In order to be considered, new applicants must supply their portfolio and upload all requested qualifications (transcripts, certificate, TRB card, evaluations or practica evaluations, qualifications/degrees). Classifications will be determined for new TTOCs based on qualifications, credentials, and recent (within 5 years) experience. 

Our callout system is electronic, through SmartFindExpress.  TTOCs are strongly encouraged to have a computer that they can use for accepting jobs.  Telephone access is also available; however, the system is more easily accessed with a computer.  Applicants who are hired will be required to set up an SFE profile and to indicate availability in SFE.

Applicants must:
· be certified to teach in the Province of British Columbia through the BC Teacher Regulation Branch, with fees paid and certificate active for the above year.
· have a Bachelor of Education (minimum) with at least one recognized teaching major/area/focus.

Applicants must be prepared to actively teach on the Teacher-Teaching-On-Call list in SD8 for the 22/23 year or may not be recalled the following year.  

Applicants must also:
· be prepared to work positively towards the fulfillment of the District goals, and be prepared to work in a collaborative/team environment

-Teach the K-12 curricula using the new curriculum concepts:  Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies, and Content Learning Standards within the context of Know, Do, Understand

-at the K-12 level, have an understanding of how the concepts of the new curricula may be integrated into the classroom

-be familiar with current accepted assessment principles and use those principles to guide assessment practices in the classroom (assessment for, as, of learning)

· be adept with using technology (e.g.: MyEdBC, etc) for attendance, communication, and reporting purposes

-have significant understanding and experience with classroom management principles and strategies that honour and respect the learner and provide effective support in the classroom environment

-have significant understanding and experience with differentiating instruction in the classroom to meet the needs of all learners

-have significant understanding of how to Indigenize the curriculum and of how to incorporate and respect the voice of Indigenous Peoples in the classroom

-have significant understanding of how to Include all learners, and how to ensure that all learners' needs are incorporated into the classroom

Preference will be given to those applicants who:
· have demonstrated successful recent (within the past 5 years) of classroom teaching experience in a public K-12 environment in BC;
· have recent significant successful teaching experience and training in identified teachable subject areas and/or grade levels
· have training/experience in the use of quality assessment practices (e.g.: differentiated instruction, criterion-referenced grading, Assessment For, As and Of Learning).

New applicants will be required to submit subject(s) or grades that you are qualified to teach.  All applicants need to indicate in the questions below, the Family of Schools they wish to teach in, and the subject areas/grades they wish to teach.  Our callout system is electronic, through SmartFindExpress.  You may also be required to provide back up (proof of certification/teaching experience etc.), for your subjects you indicate.

If you have any questions, please contact Chandra Moon - Executive Assistant to the Director of Human Resources at  You may also look at www. and for further information.


School District 8 supports equity hiring for Indigenous applicants.

*If you are experiencing any technical issues with your application process to contact Make A Future's customer service line as HR cannot upload or assist with these types of issues.  We also cannot accept documents via email such as cover letters/resumes/transcripts/teaching reports via email as they do need to be part of the employee's Make a Future profile.